still it continues:
the breathless lamp
the not-so-empty, not-so-warm anymore /cha/chai/o-cha/tra/shay/
tea/ that
had lost its fragrance ever since you taught me algebra.
still it continues:
the dying computer
the lost eraser
the 97th percentile
the 8th place purgatory i can’t ever breach.
still it continues;
all the /a yi/aunty/ajummas/
/rolling jiao zi/
/frying gulab jamun/
/stirring samgyetang/
tell me i am a promising young man
but have you seen me in the
when i fought with my mother?
will you still dare to call me /asaadhaaran/you xiu/xuat chung/
when you see that i am just a
boy living within a dream
you created for me?
still it continues;
behind me stand four hundred thousand children -
they have descended from your father’s father
and the father before him.
my little sister looks up to me,
our last name is asian;
i have lost our heritage to paper and text screens
yet this genre of hell remains unseen.
but still it continues…
still it continues…