I walk the deserted streets with just a lamp post in the distance
With its light flickering on and off
I feel a breeze run up my neck
Causing a crease in my skin
I shake it off
I close my eyes and smell the scent
Of freshly crisp leaves
Assuming that I’d feel a crunch soon
But when I look down there’s nothing I see
No hands, no legs, no feet
The light burns out
Complete darkness
I’ve never been alone like this before
I’m scared
What do I do now?
I reach out in front of me
To try and feel my way around
Let the air guide me
But I only get a faint breeze
Almost as if it’s a breath
But not a breath of fresh air
There’s something there
I roll into a ball
Hoping that’ll protect me
But no
That figure was no animal
It had no fluffy fur
It did not have four legs
There was no barking or panting
There was no sound
That figure was a person
A person trying to grab me
Trying to pull and take me away
I scream and shout
Praying that someone would hear me
Wishing that someone would see me
Hoping someone would yell for me
But no lights turned on
No doors opened
No people came out
So there I was
All alone