I lay down and I close my eyes.
I am in a dark room. There is someone on my left and someone on my right. I have known these two people my whole life. My best friends. We are laughing about something, I don’t know what. I don’t care what. I am filled with joy.
I am outside, I cannot see anything. I am walking with someone, a girl. We hear footsteps. She screams and grabs my hand. We run as fast as we can, into the darkness. I am scared, yet I feel a smile on my face.
I am sitting on the roof of a car. Beside me is my friend, Thomas. We talk and talk, until our mouths are numb. It is past my curfew, but the punishment can wait. We stare off into the night sky, confessing our deepest secrets to each other. I am at peace.
I open my eyes. I wipe the tears off my cheeks and I hear a bittersweet laugh escape my mouth. I wish I could go back, even for a second, but I know those days are gone.