A sense
A feeling
A memory
You come in many ways
Bring me gifts of remembrance
The smell of mother’s cookies on a cold winter night
The sound of my skipping rope on harsh cement
The words my father read from my favorite picture book
The hazed image of the world seen atop my grandpa’s shoulders
Things I once forgot
You bring to me in fogged memory
With my eyes half blinded I catch glimpses of my life
Why you never bring me a perfect image I’ll never know
I wish you would
I wish you would bring me more
More feeling of the hot summer sun before the rain hid it away
More images of mother before her vacation
More glances of fathers smile before mother left
More family dinners before a chair was left empty
Father seems to like you well enough
I see him tear up when you bring him gifts
I see the longing in his eyes as he views your presents
I see the way his eyes close and a faded smile jumps to his face
Father doesn’t think I see you with him
Walking hand in hand
Feeding him images of mother
Making him smile and laugh
Making him cry when he thinks I’m not looking
Grandpa says that someday I’ll understand you
That I’ll know why Father sees you so differently
That someday you might make me cry
That someday I’ll wish for you to go away
But today you make me laugh
Today you make me smile
Today you give me the warm sun on my face in a winter storm
Today you give me my mother’s smile
Today you give me family dinners filled with jokes and love
So thank you for the hugs you let me feel again
The smiles I can view twice
The smells I have forever
The sense of love I’ll hold in my heart
Dear Nostalgia
Thank you for your gifts
For the love and grief you bring me
Thank you Nostalgia
My friend