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Moon Child | Adrienne Kvaka

Writer's picture: shsimagesshsimages


like a pendulum, her moods sWing with cAprice and vigor but right now the aim is towards the maXimum and everything is starshine, everything is glIstening. give it time. give it time. her night sky is full and bright but there’s room for more ardor, room for more of everything beautiful. fire beyond the vacaNcy, that’s the deal. it may be dark but not for lonG. give her time to peel away the shadows. let her reflect.


inFerno is a promise, a pledge, a vow full of luster and light. burn. blaze. ignite the sky in glory and reflection. illUminate, elucidate, decorate. goddess and compass, she is whoLe. shining craters cast shadows but tonight there is no hiding. she will pull emotions like tides. lunacy is her ingLorious namesake. don’t you see?


jaded brilliance falters as shadoWs slither forwArd. firelight and forever are obverse words in terms of la lune and the sky crumbles into darkNess... slowly. sometImes the sun is absentminded. she forgets the sky and neglects her allegiaNce to the moon. gloaming falls to twiliGht.


empty the sky to black vacancy. leave the burning stars to their own brilliance, transform them into constellations. forget imperialism; call it humanization. the first word ever spoken on the moon was “shutdown,” like an eNding of ceremony, the last bit of reverence hiding away. disguise by shadow. ignore these words: breached, invaded, the dEstiny of destination. closure they call it, though it felt more like an annoyance, an intrusion. the first lunar landing meant la lune hearing human language for the first time. now she’s encased in shadow. please, empty the sky. pour the black like oil, let it drip doWn, let it cover, let it encase. this is shelter from the eyes of humanity; resurrection happens later. encourage the darkness now.

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