Tell me you remember / the first time we met.
Tell me you remember / the electric current / running through my veins / when we first touched, the revelation of an overdue rendezvous.
Tell me you remember the blanket of stars / (a blinding spirit) / that hung above our heads the night / I told you that I loved you, watching over us like / the gods had a plan / for us.
Tell me you remember the fulgurous flicker of our eyes / each gaze nursing a modicum of inevitable admiration / ardency incarnate.
Tell me you know more about me than anybody in the world &
repeat the story of us meeting for the first time, a story
about the spark that exploded between us in the form of an
unbreakable fate. A story where: boy meets girl & you learn how
to love me. Perhaps you never learned how. Perhaps your love is stored
in the whisper of adoration that broke out between us & I could feel the spark
between us before I even knew how to say your name.
Tell me this & this & never let me go //
my love, we are all born beautiful. I loved you from the moment I saw you.