We used to play on this playground and sway on the swing
We used to listen to the rocking of its chains and the flapping of its wings
There was just something about that swing to look forward to all year round
We enjoyed the dizzy, giddy rocking and most of all the sound
Of the crisp and crunch of the wood chips under our feet
The billowing of the cold winter wind against our pale cheeks
And the sensation of hot, cold raindrops signaling the coming of spring
Soon enough it was time for summer and a break from the swing
We’d come back for another year when it was suddenly fall
When the leaves glided down and built a bright, orange wall
We’d pile the leaves high enough so that the swing was levelled
And one by one we crashed into the heap only to be dishevelled
Days swung by and months swung by and we moved on
We said our goodbyes to the swing, the school, the elementary fun
Soon, years revolved around decades and the decades around scores
On the swing I sat, taking me to days of youth no longer more
The swing was now rusted and the seat had much wrinkles in store
If only life had a rewind button and maneuver us back through the childhood door
I stopped to feel the rough of the chains and the creases of the leather
So many had swung through their seasons and sat on this together
We used to play on this playground and sway on this swing
We used to listen to the rocking of its chains and the flapping of its wings
