Freedom is a double edged sword
With both sides sharp enough to cut through anything
Yet one side is red, and the other blue
Seemingly similar, yet so conflicting
The red edge, though often perceived as intimidating,
Cuts through all things hard and true
Breaking barriers without distress
Providing a unique edge that cultivates progress and success
Breaking boundaries and opening new paths
Are only few of the many accomplishments the red side has The real power lies with the swordsman
Who guides himself to victory with precision
The blue edge, on the other hand,
Cuts through a more timid path
Where fear and rejection lie intertwined
Weighing heavy on both the heart and mind
Carving a path through caution and care
The blue side holds back
In apprehension that a move, whether it be big or small,
May cause the haven of safety to fall
Yet the two sides of the sword coexist
Similar to the risk-takers and bystanders of which our world consists Your fate lies in your grip
Which edge of the sword is yours to equip?