So much time in our lives is spent wondering
We wonder about everything
We wonder every moment
Every instant even
We wonder about other people
Does that girl think I’m cute?
Is she mad at me?
Am I annoying her?
Can my teacher see I’m not paying attention?
Does she care?
We wonder about ourselves
Am I funny?
Am I smart?
Does my breath smell bad?
We wonder about the future
Will I ever become something?
Something special?
Am I making the right choice?
These things we wonder about
Do they matter?
Should I care?
We spend so much time
So much time wondering
About what?
Stuff that might never happen
Stuff that is so far away
Stuff that doesn’t matter
I don’t know
But I do know
We need to stop
Stop caring
Stop worrying
Stop wondering
Just be your wonderful self
The past is the past
The future is tomorrow’s task
What matters is the present
So take all those things you wondered about
And make them a reality