It was 6:30 a.m. This was early for me to be awake, but I could not sleep any longer. The sun was just coming up along the coast line, and it was brightening up my room in the beach house we were renting in Duck, North Carolina. I could not wait any longer as I could see the ocean and beach from my bedroom window. I was ready to bathe in the warmth, listen to the waves, and relax in the sand. The long drive from Cleveland was worth it. I did not miss the demands of school, the noise of the city, and the constant hustle to be somewhere for something at a specific time. Now, the only chores I had were to put sunscreen on and stay close enough to the shore where I could be seen.
I got all of my stuff together, which I packed for this special trip. I had my pail and shovel for digging and building in the sand. My towel, chair, and umbrella were in the wagon my parents brought to walk to the beach. Most importantly, I had a boogie board. I could not wait to ride the waves. As we climbed onto the boardwalk, I could smell the ocean and feel the breeze. When we made it to the top of the steps leading to the private stretch of beach, my breath was taken away by the vastness of the ocean, the blueness of the sky, and sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. There was glistening water for as far as the eye could see. This was better than any videos I had seen or soothing sounds I played at night. The rhythmic rise and fall of the water’s surface helped me relax. I felt peaceful for the first time in a long while. Nothing else mattered. I knew what I wanted to do, and I had all day to do it. There were no plans, places to be, or people to see. It was me, the ocean, and the beach. The water was cold, but I warmed up quickly as I dove into the waves. I found wave after wave to ride back to shore with my boogie board. As the sun started to peek high in the sky, I headed back to my chair, towel, and umbrella. I drank some water, lay down on top of the sand, and fell asleep under the blanket of warm sun.
After a few more hours listening to the ocean, watching the beachgoers play games, and searching for seashells, my perfect day was coming to an end. The sun moved further to the west, the air got cooler, and the breeze softened as the world got darker. The only thing remaining was the sound of the tide coming in. I will always cherish my summer trips to the Outer Banks. For me, the coast, with its calm ocean waves, is my sanctuary from the bustle of everyday life.