Does a tag define me?
1 “Call of the freedom” they say, “We respect and procure”
But the only thing they do is be cruel.
Some acknowledge respect and others shake my human existence
A clean and smooth slate I was, until the painter chose the stance.
5 People foresee the worst of me, so they just put a tag on me.
But they do not acknowledge their own bias.
Only talk and rumble as they foresee me.
Might as well create me as they want me to be.
10 Racism was denied, race was clarified and justice was refined.
But inclination was glorified towards a side.
Well, might as well reside towards the liberal side.
We all should move forwards towards the modern age.
I need to engage in order to cage in the plain and modern stage
15 We all have a heart of gold that is constrained within a pen.
Shall that heart flourish is not known.
Not until the unknown is stumbled upon.
We all step wrong and the fog is always strong.
So I just stopped in thoughts that followed the critics all along.
20 They take away your delight, well just show the flag of Aztlan in reply.
I will guard and safeguard the flag that I choose.
Views are affected all along. All along I changed some of those.
All along I followed, and all along I will define the modern stance