Girlhood is unrelenting femininity
Boas, tiaras, and red ruby heels to infinity
Poofy dresses meticulously lined with pink and gold
Little girls find the utmost pleasure in being bold
As time goes on, those colors fade
Dressing girly and gorgeous is now a charade
The extravagant, fluffy clothes
Replaced by moping teenagers who only loathe
The abnormality of dressing fun
It was broken by only one
A girl who wore skirts and bows on her shoes
Making her the best dressed in the room
The classmates poked and prodded
Towards the girly-girl, who only nodded
At the harsh insults spewed by others
Of those who didn’t understand her love for colors
In a world where normalcy is prized
This young girl realized
Despite the side comments and stares
Her pink tiara should be her only care