What does it mean to be different?
To be so unusual, you’re incapable of blending in?
To be a person with nowhere to belong?
To hide your feelings with a fake grin?
To wear white, when everyone else is in black
To be a flower in a field of weeds
To stay inside while everyone else is out
To want to grow your own plant
And sow your own seed
Is it right to want to be normal,
To be just like everyone else
Or, should you value the ability to stay quiet
When all everyone else does, is yell
Is anyone truly normal?
Is everyone irregular, and unorthodox
Is it everyone or no one
That fails to fit in a labeled box
Does everyone feel this way?
Judged, and never quite right
Or is unorthodox a good thing,
That allows the ignorant blind, to see other’s light