November 4th, 2023
My life changed forever on a simple Saturday
My brother and I were sat down, bowls of comforting, warm food in front of us
Our favorite food. Something was off, and I knew immediately.
“We have something to tell you”
And I knew immediately
“You’re going to have a sibling”
I was right.
The life I had envisioned for myself was gone with just a few words spoken
I wouldn’t get the car I wanted so badly for my sixteenth birthday
I wouldn’t be able to go to any college I wanted
I wouldn’t be able to leave my family after I graduated
I wouldn’t be able to escape from the chaotic life I had
So I cried
I cried for my future, the one I so desperately wanted
I cried to my friends, and to the ex-boyfriend I thought I would always be with
I would never be able to get to know this child
This was something I never thought could happen to me
It was my worst fear, an unorthodox change to my life
Never once in my life, did I think that I would get a sibling after 15 years of being alive
I was 16 when she was born
She’ll be 2 when I leave for college
6 when I graduate
And 9 when I finish law school
I still remember how I felt when I my mom told us she was pregnant
I felt lost
I felt betrayed
I felt enraged
Sometimes I still do
Whenever I see her, I feel guilty for feeling that way.
But I love Valentina, and hope she grows up to love me too.