Usually felt observing the depths of the Grand Canyon
Or seeing the geysers at Yellowstone with a companion
There are many places across our country
Where wonder can be felt so strongly
But there is only one domain
Where wonder is so common that it becomes mundane
It surpasses the feeling inside
After even the most intense Cedar Point ride
This place is called Solon
Many pessimists may see this place
As yet another suburb without a special face
But in actuality it is the epitome
Of a wonder inducing city
Laying eyes upon the middle-class homes
It is clear that Solon even wins in comparison to ancient Rome
Looking at the beautiful retail stores
Can amaze even the people who think everything is a bore
Everything in Solon causes admiration
Especially the forever existing Chick-Fil-A temptation
There is even a magical feeling within
When looking at the elegant Solon Inn
There is no other way to experience the seasons
Than to sit in the middle of the Solon Region
Within an hour
The weather can switch from sweet to sour
This change will leave you in shock
As there is no possible way it can be a mock
Solon is truly a place that is unique
And this isn’t subject to the smallest critique
All jokes aside
I have a secret I must confide
Solon is not wondrous for what can be seen
And a reason that can only be realized by someone who’s keen
It is that in Solon when we are younger
It is most wondrous that we have the luxury to wonder