What exactly is a symphony? Well, this song answers it. When I read a slide telling us what to do, I saw we could submit songs. So, I wrote one. To me, a symphony isn't always something you listen to. It's something beyond that. It's what plays in the back of everyone's mind when they fall in love, especially, for the first time. That magical feeling is something so indescribable to someone who has never felt it. However, losing that person completely destroys the symphony. It's broken, because they took half of the song with them, and you kept the other. And when nobody else can rewrite that song, then the pain is even worse. So, this song is all about how when you fall in love, you create a symphony that only the two of you hear when you two are together, and then you guys break up, and now it's broken, and the world isn't whole. A symphony is so beautiful, yet when the wrong notes are played, it's gut wrenching. So, when you listen to this song I wrote, you will be hearing what a symphony is to me, and how I experienced my symphony falling apart. Thank you, I hope you enjoy. :)
Symphony | Cassidy Johnson (10)