The Wonder of Sonder \\ Gillian Rzepka
The initial glance, eyes wide, reflecting the world’s aura. Everyone’s life, as complicated and beautiful as your own, Staring back....
The Wonder of Sonder \\ Gillian Rzepka
Wonder \\ Garrett Holman
Wonder \\ Jaidyn Gaymon
Rescue \\ Adina Guo
Wonder \\ Alex Hsieh
Wonder in Solon \\ Samuel Friedman
I Wonder \\ Ellis Smith
Something I'll never understand || Gurkiran Natt
Early Bird || Samantha Jennings
The Room || Ryan Li
5 Wonder Haikus || Siqi Huang
who are you monologiung to? || Iris Yu
Paper Lanterns \\ Alanna Zhang
It's Always Worst in the Night \\ Maureen Bauza
Untitled \\ Kristin Kim
Not All Doors Lead to Wonder \\ Gabriele Glusauska
Untitled \\ Yubin Moon
one last dance \\ Audrey Lai