You have to go
Leave me alone
You can't come back now
You lied to me
You said you would never leave
You said you would never hurt me
You said you would never stop loving me
But you did
You left
You moved on with your life
You found someone new
Someone better
So I had to move on too
I collapsed a few times
But I rebuilt
Now I’m finally stable
But that doesn't mean you can come back
You can't become part of my foundation again
The truth is you make me feel too much
Your love makes me dizzy
Your presence makes me frantic
I am going to fall again
I don't know if I’ll be able to get back up this time
I don't know who will rise from the rubble
It won't be the same me
It will be something cold
It will be something dark
If you truly did love me
Let me stand alone
Let me be me
Let me be the person you once loved
Don't make me fall again
Don't destroy me again