A field filled with mills
Milling endlessness sorrow
It runs, it turns, it fills
Filling the fields for tomorrow
It creates mounds of husks
Husks that serve as vessels
Vessels for valuable seeds
Seeds that influence the outcomes of those husks
Seeds of compassion, abuse, love
Love that can impact the future
Future choices, results, and paths
Paths that are taken by multiple husks and others taken by none at all
Some husks follow paths to success
Others succeeding in failure
Some transform to butterflies
While the rest transform to others or choose to seek a path that's quite peculiar
A path that results in a special transformation
A transformation not determined by seed
The seed having failed to take control
Control of husk's short life
Thus making the husk more than a vessel for a seed.
More than a housing unit for a parasite.
More than just an empty shell.
It makes the husk human.