Hand in hand,
We walk this land. We run,
We play.
Spinning ‘round ‘n ‘round,
‘til we collapse back onto the ground, Giggling uncontrollably,
As if we were innocent children.
Your hair's strewn across your face, Partially covering your eyes.
I know that they are sparkling,
Like stars on a clear night sky.
I hand you a wreath of daisies, Made from flowers around us. As you place it on your head, Shadows haunt your smile.
We’re caught in a web of wishes, It’s too soon to let go,
As Time catches up to us
I wake up
I’m desperately clinging,
To your image, your warmth But all attempts are slipping, Like water through my fingers
Salty rivers form on my cheeks,
As I once more realize you're gone, And flowers long since decayed Clouds obscure the stars tonight